Sunday, September 18, 2011

Electric Sunday

Drips of time slowly fade away from what we call present. The trees are prepared for this process, leaves fall, they remain naked against the nature only to rise again from graves, bloom and give birth to a happy family. And maybe a better one, stronger, fruitful, blessed by the power of rain,light and a fertile soil. A butterfly passes by yelling it’s silence at the ignorant. And factories produce happiness among the poorly paid workers. Because of the rain souls die in factories. Eyes are shut. Ears are covered with plastic ear plugs so that One can’t hear the butterfly floating it’s brightly colored wings. Gun powder smell in suburbs, children buy gun powder sweets and the seller buys a new plasma TV. Drops of the Sunny moments flow, filling the emptiness around.The Captain gets his view of the Sunday afternoon with colorful toppings although the rain hits the window and the fog goggles at him. Legs of wood can’t get him to the kitchen. Play by the rules. Step by step Pinocchio learns how to walk. Hands can’t grab souls, only a cup of that dark liquid which makes the body feel better. Whores give good vibes away for those that pay. Do you wanna pay? Of course, the captain will not buy such things from whores because he knows it’s not the same. People cook animal brain at barbecues, distances cook memories at barbecues. Ya’ll hear me? With Smokey Bear in the house one should not be afraid. He will educate the audience about the dangers of fires. The question is Who will educate the public about the dangers of not being there when you’re supposed to be.

Time is poured in petit bottles. Use them carefully and follow the prescription. Ariel is the youngest satellite from another 27. Uranus is proud to have such a nice satellite.With a smooth surface, without too many impact craters. Blue, blue, electric blue. And the rain pours down on the dried leaves not knowing that it’s useless. Day fades away and the night sky embraces the city. Electricity captures the eye with blue shades growing towards inside the body.