Saturday, December 31, 2011

a day to remember

the clouds are pierced by beams

and I’m looking outside where

the wet streets challenge me for a walk

and the park is empty.

I wonder where everybody is, where are they?

have they left without saying good bye to a fellow human

“no! you left!” a voice tells me to light a cigarette

from my couch the view is narrow

but tomorrow I’ll get outside

and try to be more than a human, more than a sack of bones and flesh
I shall understand
I shall stand tall
against the wind
I will be brave
and I will fight
to remember
how to sail a ship.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

a clear hazy vision

as a child eternity seemed familiar

and my game had no end

fear of death did not exist


I joined the herd

and from that point on,

confusion gave birth to great illusions ,

which now come around

and hit my miserable being .

lost in the purple haze, no magic here

my thoughts suppressed by the shelf

where I was put by my fellows

and they all wear the mark of Cain;

virgins rocked in cradles of sin,

priests burned by holy candles ,

politicians killed by their means ,

and people, people screaming their obsessions

on youtubes, facebooks, televisions and

in the bars as well .

and I stay in the haze and watch how everything burns and rots

as sinful strangers we walk the dark

in silence we fuck, behind the bushes of morality

you and me, degenerated products

sold as premium deluxe

without a warranty

society bleeds, raped by perverted individuals

even though virginity was lost a long time ago

to greed and lies, prolific gold.

as a child I should have stayed


next I know

eternity has an end .

Thursday, December 15, 2011

broken circuits

nervous breakdowns follow me through the nothingness of everyday life

learning to survive without people among other people, little steps until

the emptiness becomes a friend

shadows of the past glide on the walls of my mind

relations burn fast, like matches blown by northern winds

losing control again and again, words of hope

die without a trace inside ones soul,

meaningless feelings brought from beyond

by scraps of happy recollections wrapped in smoke

fake angels, tongue full of ashes, the bottle is empty

listen to stories about Jesus Of The Bar, another shot

light from above, no money no beer, just a mere sense of solitude

that spreads, spreads through, burning humanity

filled with hate I wait, we wait…

that thing that will change something, battles are lost

insanity comes and acceptance becomes an art of living

punch the air, alone in rooms full of faces, imagine the fear

no way back, ex’s names called in confusion

in dark and cold places

maybe I always lived in illusion.

fragile images touched by trembling hands

fade away;

confessed my sins to strangers and whiskey

to little dwarfs and whores

contemplating vaginas in bathrooms

gone into deep, lost girls, hands, sweat, tongues, cheeks

wet nights overcome sunny days

and having nothing pays in the end.

I want to dance with witches at black masses

give me whiskey, vodka, gin and amphetamine

I take the blame

for I have brought shame to human relations

damned to stick my thoughts in black holes

dripping memories swallowed by unknown mouths.

islands of broken hearts united in motion

growing apart into the burning oceans of lust

happiness is sold on black markets

but only the privileged have access to it

denied is the neophyte

for he doesn’t know how much

should he pay.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

când te trezești

când zgura se freacă de talpa pantofului

provoacă imagini și sunete,

evocă fapte și drumuri


într-o inconștiență locomotoare.

când omul vorbește în șoaptă

provoacă plăceri depresive,

evocă clipe și sentimente


prin paturi, sub pături, prin cluburi și-n noapte.

când sticla golită își șuieră sfârșitul

sânii tresar, ochii plini de dorințe


mișcarea printr-un caleidoscop.

când placa înfiptă-n pământ
strigă după suflet și trup,
acolo deasupra

când pietrele se freacă de scânduri din lemn

provoacă imagini și sunete,

evocă fapte

și drumul,

drumul parcurs...

până în groapă.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

e ca și cum ai trage apa

dinții mușcă cenușa, în gură nisipul topit, sticla taie

pe limbă sânge

cuvintele se încheagă cu greu

tăceri futile, mut privești scenete, buze-n mișcare

nu le înțelegi.

iritat umbli pe străzi, întunecat

alergi, nedumerit prin gropi adânci, mâloase fapte.

pierdut în fumuri și-n beții, pierdut te ții de crengi uscate

se rup cu trosnete în ureche

și liniște.

niciun amic, nicio amică, nicio satisfacție

doar un rom, o vodkă, un vin,

o clipă; te trezești și visul e coșmar

și vântul te gonește spre vest.

cu grijă pregătești un geamantan

cu diferite, le îndeși cu spor

fără să depășești un kilogram

și atunci apar mai multe fețe

la care e musai să renunți,

să lași acasă ce nu poți lua

...în geamantan.

departe în amintiri se arată un trecut frumos

la fel va deveni și prezentul ranchiunos.